The volume is 25 cm long! The custard taste is somewhat nostalgic
Japanese notation "お福わけ餅"
”Ofuku-wake Mochi” made by Sugiyama jusandō in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, is “half a dorayaki-like sweet filled with a large piece of Gyuhi(Soft Mochi).
A large piece of Gyuhi(Soft Mochi). I’m a fan of gyuhi, and I can’t get enough of this visual.
The outside looks like a dorayaki skin folded in half. The Gyuhi(Soft Mochi) on top, seen from the side, is huge. This makes me happy.
Underneath the gyuhi is a layer of azuki bean paste, designed to resemble half a dorayaki.
The azuki beans and the dorayaki crust are delicious without mentioning it, but the gyuhi also produces an extraordinarily luxurious taste.