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Ran-miya Cheese Manju

らんみや チーズ饅頭

Cheese manju with a hint of vanilla bean

“Cheese Manju” have become a staple souvenir of Miyazaki Prefecture, and many confectioners in Miyazaki City make their own unique Cheese Manju, making it interesting to compare them. This time, we will introduce “Ranmiya Cheese Manju” which can be found at many airports and souvenir shops.

らんみや チーズ饅頭を開封

The manju skin has a cookie dough feel and looks more like a thick cookie than a bun.

らんみや チーズ饅頭の断面

Fresh cream cheese inside. This is another standard style of Miyazaki Cheese manju. Various confectioners make Cheese manju, but their personalities differ in the way they arrange this fresh cheese.

らんみや チーズ饅頭を食べてみる

In the “Ranmiya Cheese manju” the cream cheese is filled with vanilla beans for a sweeter taste. The cheese is just the right amount of salty and sweet.
