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Peyoung Sauce Yakisoba Senbei

ペヤングソースやきそば味 超大丸せんべい

Peyoung is delicious as a rice cracker!

Peyoung Sauce Yakisoba, familiar to all Japanese people, has become a rice cracker, a signature product of Maruka Foods that has been loved throughout Japan since its launch in 1975.

ペヤングソースやきそば味 超大丸せんべいのパッケージ

The package is interesting in that it has the same taste as a cup of yakisoba noodles, but the sales slogan “with cabbage” is written on it. It is interesting that they used the same sales catchphrase for the yakisoba as it is for the rice cracker.

ペヤングソースやきそば味 超大丸せんべいズーム

The surface of the rice cracker is baked well with the sauce, conveying that it is a sauce-based flavor.

ペヤングソースやきそば味 超大丸せんべいの断面

The dough of the rice cracker seems to be kneaded with cabbage and other yakisoba ingredients, and seems to be an attempt to really recreate Peyoung Sauce Yakisoba in rice cracker form.

ペヤングソースやきそば味 超大丸せんべいを食べてみた

It has a strong sweet and spicy sauce flavor with a hint of red ginger in the savory sauce flavor. It is a very good reproduction of Peyoung Yakisoba. It is a delicious Peyoung Sauce Yakisoba even as a rice cracker.
