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Uzu-kin Dorayaki


Dorayaki (dorayaki) thoroughly focused on Naruto kintoki

The “Uzu-kin Dorayaki” made by Kurio Shoten in Tokushima is a dorayaki filled with sweet potato bean paste, which is unique to Tokushima, famous for its Naruto Kintoki (Naruto red bean paste).


The cute spiral mark on the skin must be an image of the whirlpools of the Naruto Straits. It looks good against the brown dorayaki skin.


Looking at it from the side, you can see that it is filled with plenty of sweet potato bean paste, as well as the thickness of the skin. It is a dorayaki filled with a substantial weight.


When I cracked it open, I found a surprisingly large “sweet potato soaked in honey”. It looks like a large chestnut, but it is a lump of Naruto Kintoki soaked in honey. This may be because Kurio Shoten, a long-established confectioner in Tokushima Prefecture, is able to do so.


In addition to the deliciousness of the dorayaki itself, you can also taste the luxurious Naruto Uzumo sweet potato kin at the same time. The large Naruto Uzumo sweet potatoes sandwiched between the dorayaki are soaked in a secret honey sauce that has been passed down for more than 80 years since the establishment of the company. It had a very deep and natural sweetness.
