
Japanese notation "豆せんべいのまめごろう"
I bought a “Mamesenbei-no-Mamegoro” (bean cracker) from “Nanbu Senbei no Iwateya,” which has an overwhelming history and name recognition in Nanbu Senbei.” There are many things named “Nanbu Senbei,” but this is probably the most major one.
This character of a grandmother is a landmark. I always think this illustration is very cute.
A thick, slightly cookie-like rice cracker containing a large amount of peanuts. It may be a little different from the so-called traditional ingredients, but this slightly cookie-like texture is still very tasty.
It is a luxurious cracker with a crispy biscuit-like texture, a really slightly sweet cracker, and lots of peanuts.
This rice cracker has been loved since 1969. If you are tired of ordinary rice crackers, you should give this rice cracker a try. It is a mysterious Nanbu Senbei that goes well with coffee. It is really delicious.