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Tarte-tatin Noukou-Choco manju

タルトタタン 濃厚チョコレートまんじゅう

Really rich and moist chocolate manju

“Tarte Tatin” is the name of a traditional French baked cake made with apples, and the confectioner Tarte Tatin in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, produces sweets under this name. One of the store’s most popular products is the “Noukou(mean:Rich) chocolate Manju” a manju with an amazing richness and thickness of chocolate.

タルトタタン 濃厚チョコレートまんじゅうズーム

When I took it out of the wrapping, a glossy black manju appeared. It is small, but you can feel its heavy weight.

タルトタタン 濃厚チョコレートまんじゅう2つに割ってみた

When I split it in two, all the layers are like chocolate.


The layers of chocolate are delicious. Although it is named “manju”, it might as well be called “gateau chocolat”.
