Bessi Ame

Japanese notation "別子飴"
“Bessi Ame” is named after the Besshi Copper Mine, located southeast of Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture. The Besshi Copper Mine opened in 1691 and produced copper for 282 years until its closure in 1973, contributing greatly to Japan’s trade and modernization.
The colorful package contains five different types of candy, each in a different color.
Each of the five flavors had its own theme!
A maiden’s emotion… mandarin orange (orange)
Heart of love … green tea (green)
Whisper of love … Strawberry (red)
Exotic fragrance … cocoa (blue)
A faint memory… Peanut (yellow)
It is a unique concept.
So let’s get started with the Whisper of Love (strawberry flavor) and the Heart of Dearness (green tea flavor).lol
When I opened the wrapper, I found a candy wrapped in an Oblate (sugarcoat wrapper). It feels like a rather soft candy.
It has a soft and gentle flavor. Both the green tea and strawberry flavors have knobs and a strong flavor. In addition to the cute packaging, each of the five flavors of Betsuko candy has its own theme. It would be nice to give it to someone while telling them about the theme.