Menbei(mayonnaise flavor)

Japanese notation "めんべい(マヨネーズ味)"
You may have often seen this impressive package with the hiragana character for “め(me)” written on it. The “Menbei” series made by Yamaguchiya Fukutaro was first sold in 2001, and has become a standard Hakata souvenir.
It is also great that the two bags of two sheets, for a total of four sheets, are priced at 140 yen. It is just the right size when you want to eat just a little.
Yamaguchi Aburaya Fukutaro is a long-established food manufacturer that has been producing mentaiko since 1909. Their signature product is a rice cracker richly flavored with mentaiko, but it seems that “menbei” has already become their signature product.
Crispy and simple rice crackers with spicy cod roe and mayonnaise flavor, a delicious combination that is sure to please. It is perfect not only as a snack for tea, but also as a snack for alcoholic beverages.