Hobikisen Ebi-Senbei

Japanese notation "帆引せん えびせんべい"
“Ebisen” made by Debaya, a long-established tsukudani (food boiled in soy sauce) and dried shrimp producer since 1932, by Lake Kasumigaura in Ibaraki Prefecture.
The package says, “Ebi senbei (shrimp crackers) made by a tsukudani (food boiled down in soy sauce) maker with a special attention to detail.
I was actually a bit gutted at first to see that the “EBISEN” was made with river shrimps caught in Kasumigaura (I didn’t have a good image of Kasumigaura as a clean place).
However, it tastes so good!
I think I have eaten many kinds of “ebisen” so far, but this is definitely the best one. The shrimp flavor is richer and richer than the shrimp crackers I have eaten so far, and the fact that a considerable amount of shrimp is used is one thing, but above all, the seasoning of the rice cracker is superb!
I think it is some kind of marinade that is coated on the surface of the fish, but it was exceptionally tasty. Perhaps it is the result of the know-how gained from many years of tsukudani production. This was no time to be puzzled by river shrimp caught in Kasumigaura. I highly recommend it.