
Japanese notation "てづくり米粉カステラ"
The Castella produced by Shibaima Honpo in Niigata Prefecture, “Tedukuri” means handmade, a famous rice-producing region, is made of 50% rice flour!
This sponge cake is characterized by its subtle sweetness and fluffy, chewy texture.
The words “50% rice flour” are also mentioned on the package.
This is an idea that can only come from a rice-producing region, but I wonder what kind of sponge cake it tastes like.
I opened the package, and at a quick glance, it looks like an ordinary sponge cake. It looks like an orthodox sponge cake itself.
It is light and firmer in the mouth. I see!” I couldn’t help but nod my head. The elasticity of the rice flour gives the sponge a foamy texture, and while it is light, the rich eggy flavor of the sponge cake spreads through the sponge cake, and the texture is still very firm and chewy. This is what rice flour can do, isn’t it?
It tasted like a sponge cake and I ate it in no time. Castella is delicious after all.