Osaka Ika senbei (Wasabi Sio)

Japanese notation "大阪いかせんべい (わさび塩)"
Osaka Ika senbei, squid rice crackers packed in a unique package attractsand draw our attention at souvenir shops in Shin-Osaka Station and other areas. This is a rice cracker with a unique flavor called wasabi salt.
An illustration of a squid on the package. Cuttlefish is strange-looking creatures, like spaceships.
The rice crackers are light in texture, thin, and have a savory aroma.
The squid used for the ingredients is Japanese common squid from the Sea of Japan, the rice is a blend of “Matsuribare” and “Koshihikari” rice from Hyogo Prefecture, and the salt is Ako’s baked salt. It sounds they are all selected ingredients to make this.
Crunchy texture and squid flavor with a tangy authentic wasabi flavor. It is a taste like a snack. It is a perfect accompaniment to beer.