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Toyama-no-Kombu Pan

An unexpected combination of kelp and bread, but delicious enough to feel like a classic.

“Toyama-no-Kombu Pan” made by Sawaya Foods in Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture, is an unique local bread which dough kneaded with chopped kelp.

Each package contains four loaves of bread cut and baked in elongated triangles.  A fluttering sticker printed kelp is applied on the package.  The package design looks novelty.

Many chopped kelp is kneaded throughout the dough.  Rice flour, produced locally is used and the texture is chewy.


It has a simple flavor with just the right amount of saltiness from the kelp. I thought it would have a more unique flavor, but found it to be a stable and simple taste. The bread dough kneaded with rice flour gives kelp broth, and it may be more like a standard taste while it gives rice ball-like atmosphere.
