Kurodora (Ena Kawakamiya)

Japanese notation "黒どら (恵那川上屋)"
Ena Kawakamiya locates in Ena City, Gifu Prefecture, is famous for their “Kurikinton” (chestnut dumplings), and is well known by many people who loves chestnut dumplings. This “Kuro Dorayaki” made by Ena Kawakamiya is a dorayaki, bean jam filled pancake, made of brown sugar and Anno sweet potatoes.
It is a large, pitch-black colored package, and a hefty weight.
Dorayaki crust with a fine pancake-like texture.
The dorayaki crust has a soft brown sugar aroma. A golden sweet potato paste and white butter cream are filled inside.
This is an unique Dorayaki filled with sweet potato and buttery flavor and is different from its general Dorayaki and the dough is a pancake-like texture and gives a good balance with the fillings. They are sold in a limited season but it seems to be like a regular product with stability.