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Zenbei Chestnut Marron Cream Dorayaki

"Zenbei chestnuts", a brand of Saimyoji chestnuts famous for their big size

“Zenbei Chestnut Marron Cream Dorayaki” made by Kurakichi in Senboku City, Akindo Prefecture is a bean-jam pancake, filled with rough chestnut paste cream.

“Zenbei Chestnuts” are a brand of Saimyouji chestnuts, produced by Akakura Chestnut Farm in Senboku City, Akisada Prefecture. Saimyouji chestnuts generally grow big size and any chemical fertilizers are not used for the Zenbei chestnuts and harvested after they have fully ripened and fallen naturally, and ships them with hot water treatment.

The dorayaki is made with rare and high-end Zenbei chestnuts, and although the size is quite small, it is filled with plenty of cream inside.

The diameter is about 7.5 cm to 8 cm, and the shape is like a large macaroon.

The surface is smooth and fluffy pancake-like texture, and the texture of the marron cream gives a fresh chestnut flavor.

It tastes like cream grated marron glace and is made into a paste and then sandwiched between pancakes, approaching a western-like.

It is delicious with a rich chestnut flavor. Dorayaki is a traditional confectionery with a lot of potential for various approaches like this.
