Honki no Ginger Onaka Cookies

Japanese notation "ほんきのしょうが おなかクッキー"
“Honki no Ginger Onaka Cookies” made by Zinzibel in Koshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture, are cookies made with ginger grown in local and rice flour. It is a healthy oriented cookie and very tasty.
By the way, “Onaka” in the product name means
“O” →for “Okara” (Tofu refuse)
“Na” → for “Na” of konjac mannan, i.e., konjac flour
“Ka” for “Kanten”, stands for “agar”
It is said that “Onaka” in the product name stands for the first letter of “konjac”, which means that the product contains a lot of healthy ingredients that are good for our digestive system.
The “Na” may be a bit difficult to be matching on the alphabetical assignment, but it is a unique concept.
It is a quite volume cookies bar.
Looking at the cross section, it looks moist texturs and is well featured of the ingredients of rice flour and okara (Tofu refuse).
The cookies have lightly ginger flavor, a natural sweetness, and a slightly tangy taste. The concept of the cookies is “healthy sweet with ginger to keep you warm and fiber to refresh you,” but the cookies are very satisfying as a snack.