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Ohshu potato

I didn't know sweet potatoe and custard cream went so well together.

“Ohshu Potato” made by Fleur Kikuya in Iwate Prefecture is a unique sweet which seems like an ordinary  sweet potato, but the cream inside makes it quite unique.

The name  “Ohshu” used to appoint the entire area on the right side of Tohoku, where is now known as the Mutsu Province there.  The current city of Ohshu in Iwate Prefecture is a relatively new city, created in 2006 through the merger of Mizusawa and Esashi cities and the towns of Maezawa, Isawa, and Kinugawa in Isawa County.

At the first glance, it looks like an ordinary sweet potato cupcake.

When cut it in half, there is a significant volume of cream inside.

It is custard cream inside and it looks sweet potato due to the same color. I found it goes well together with sweet potato perfectly.

Surprising to know at how well sweet potato and custard cream goes together.
