
Japanese notation "のし梅 (玉屋総本店)"
“Noshi-ume” made by Tamaya-Sohonten in Yamagata City is a traditional confectionery from the Yamagata region, made by grinding plum seeds, kneading them into agar, spreading it thinly, and sandwiching it between bamboo hides.
It is said that “Noshi-ume” originated in 1818 when it was sold as a medicine. It is a traditional confectionery with very unique origins.
Peeling off the bamboo skin reveals a golden jelly-like sheet.
The sharp corners, beautiful shape, and transparency of the jelly-like texture make it seem strange that it has existed for 200 years or so.
The moderate sweet and sour taste and aroma of ume goes well with the simple flavor of agar. It is a refreshing taste that shows why it has been popular since long ago.