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Local sweets with the full potential of sweet potato flavor

“Kankoro-mochi” is a traditional local food in the Goto region of Nagasaki Prefecture, made by mixing thinly sliced, sun-dried sweet potatoes with rice cake.

It was sold vacuum-pouched in just the right size for one person.

They are supposed to be heated in a microwave oven or toaster oven when eaten.

Before warming up, the whole area is smooth like this.

Here it is after being heated in the microwave. It looks cracked and fluffy.

It is just like a sweet potato. The mochi is mixed in, so it has a strong chewy texture, but the fibers of the sweet potato are still there.

The natural sweetness is irresistible. You can feel the perfect compatibility and balance. “Kankoro-mochi” is an excellent local confectionery.
