Tsukuba e-choco

Japanese notation "つくばe-choco"
“Tsukuba e-choco” produced by “Tokyo Food Co., Ltd” in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is a chocolate made from high-quality cacao produced through research with local farmers in the Boaremo region of Indonesia. This chocolate is the result of an effort to connect Indonesia and Tsukuba City with cacao and to provide support for cultivation.
The “Tsukuba Collection” on the package is said to be a mark of products in Tsukuba City that have been certified as excellent products representing Tsukuba City.
The chocolate is made from the process of cultivating cacao, and its tablet form looks like the confectionery chocolate used by pastry chefs, giving it a very authentic atmosphere.
It is the size of a fingertip, but has a strong and authentic cacao flavor. This chocolate has a rich cacao taste.
This high quality is no wonder why it was selected for the “Tsukuba Collection”. Incidentally, 10,000 “Tsukuba e-choco” were distributed at the Tsukuba Marathon held last year. Please try this authentic chocolate born from this wonderful initiative when you see it.