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Mori-no-Madeleine Lemon

Delicious madeleines with luxurious lemon jam

“Mori-no-Madeleine Lemon” made by “Ragueneau Sasaki” in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, are lemon madeleines made with lemon paste. Although “Lagunao Sasaki” has a strong image of apple sweets, they also have a full lineup of lemon and strawberry sweets.

“Ragueneau Sasaki” is known for its carefully baked sweets, and the illustration of the pastry chef on the package fits perfectly with the image.

The madeleines are moist and chunky in texture, with a hint of lemon.

Inside there is a layer of lemon jam. This is a luxurious jam with a strong layer of lemon peel.

The buttery madeleine dough was delicious, but the lavish lemon jam used was also very tasty. The quality of the baked goods made with fruits by “Ragueneau Sasaki” was as good as expected.
