
Japanese notation "いもう富"
“Imo-uto” is a sweet potato pie made by “Libran” a confectionery company that operates mainly in Toyama Prefecture, and is made by wrapping sweet potato paste in a pie and baking it.
The packaging has the feel of a high-end Japanese confectionary, but the confectionary itself has the Western flavor of a sweet potato torte.
Sweet potato paste is poured into a cup-shaped pie crust and baked. The sweet potato is said to be “Beni Azuma” and the top surface is browned and looks delicious.
Looking at the cross section, there is a layer of cream cheese wrapped in sweet potato paste.
It is a gorgeous combination of pie crust, sweet potato, and cream cheese, but each has an elegant sweetness and a taste that is exquisitely integrated. I was surprised that cream cheese goes so well with the pie crust.