
Japanese notation "恐竜っ子"
Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture has many of Japan’s largest & oldest dinosaur fossil excavation sites. Fukui Prefecture is often called “Dinosaur Kingdom” because nearly 80% of all dinosaur fossils found here in Japan. A company, Owada makes sweeet bun, “manju” named “Kyōryū-kko, meaning Child Dinosaurs, after dinosaur fossils have been actively excavated there.
There is also a theme park called Katsuyama Dinosaur Forest in the city, and dinosaur fossil specimens are exhibited on the premises.
The museum provides lots of informations and facilites to enjoy dinosaur history.
Upon opening the package, a very cute sweet bun, manju appeared in lovely shape, folding their tighny short hands. They say it looks a small animal rather than fierce anaimal. The shape of reproducibility from the real is quite amazing.
Checked the inside by cutting in half.
Here is how it looks from the side view. I was surprised to see how thin the manju skin is, and bean jam fully filled inside in every detailed shape. It should require high skill to bake properly.
The manju filling jam is a smooth red bean paste, hand-made roasted beans,and egg yolk, that gives a rich egg flavor.
Not only cute shape, but the taste is also quite good. If you want to buy a souvenir, this can be one of your choises, specially kidds would love it. The product represent passion of Katsuyama City for dinosaurs.