
Japanese notation "梨菓"
The “Rinka” made by Kurayoshisha, a confectioner in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, is a pound cake filled with pears, but Tottori Prefecture is famous for its “20th Century Pears. As of 2018, it accounted for more than half of the domestic market share, with wholesale volume amounting to 3,125 ton
Chiba, Ibaraki, and Fukushima prefectures are also famous for pears, but these prefectures produce more “Kosui” and “Housui” varieties, and Tottori Prefecture is by far the largest producer of “20th Century Pears”.
The cake batter contains a large amount of “20th Century Pear” fruit. The cake batter is moist and has a madeleine-like texture. When I cut it in half, I found that the pears inside were crispy to the touch.
Half of the cake batter is almost entirely pear. It is like a luxurious western pastry.
The flavor of the 20th Century Pear, which still has a crispy texture, goes perfectly with the soft and moist madeleine dough. I felt that the cake made full use of the unique characteristics of the “20th Century Pear,” with its soft pulp and large amount of juice.