Jingū Sugi

Japanese notation "神宮スギ"
”Jingū Sugi” produced by “Shirase” in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, is a baumkuchen with the motif of the cedar trees of Ise Jingu Shrine. The outer shrine of the Ise Jingu is home to many majestic trees, many of which are over 300 years old.
As you can see, it is sold in the shape of a fan, which is a quarter cut of a round baumkuchen. The branding mark “Jingu cedar” stamped on it looks solemn and seems to bring good luck.
Can feel that it is made by hand. Looks very moist and delicious.
Incidentally, “Jingū Sugi” is also the “prefectural tree” of Mie Prefecture.
This baumkuchen has a luxurious taste, with plenty of butter, eggs, and cream. It was a baumkuchen that made me feel grateful, as it seemed to have more eggs in the dough with a faint aroma of vanilla and liquor, and I could feel that it was carefully made with a thorough focus on the deliciousness of the dough.