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Habutae Dorayaki


Ensemble of Dorayaki & Habutae mochi, texture like liquid and solid

This is a traditional sweet of Fukui Pref., made from steamed and kneaded rice flour with sugar and starch syrup, it usually takes a long time to make a beautiful translucent paste wichi becomes a base of the sweet. A confectionery company, Matsuoka-ken is famous as a maker of Habutae mochi. They also make Dorayaki, a bean-jam pancake, and sandwiching the Habutae mochi. The combination of bean-jam and such delicate and soft habutae mochi is so perfect.


It is quite chunky and thick even though it looks average size. The crust/pancake part is moist, rich and heavy.



The texture is so creamy and you see how sticky the mochi part is


Seeing from cross view, it satisfies us with volumy filled azuki bean paste as well as the presence of the Habutae mochi, that melting like liquid in my mouth.


Habutae mochi is the company’s core product and the combination with Dorayaki become more rich.
