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ROYCE’ Pure Chocolate


Assorted packs for easy petit gifts

This is a petit gift assortment pack from the “Pure Chocolate” series, which is one of ROYCE’ signature products. It is also available as a gift with a one-word message written on the box exterior.


ROYCE’ pure Chocolate has a lineup of 12 different types of chocolate, of which 4 are standard types.

[White Chocolate] 5pcs.

[Caramel milk] 5pcs.

[Colombian milk] 5pcs.

[Mild Bitter] 5pcs.

This assortment pack contains 20 pieces in total.


Each piece is individually wrapped, which is a great feature, and the assortment set includes a wide range of flavors from white chocolate to bitter.


[White Chocolate] is a sweet piece [Caramel Milk] is a sweet chocolate with a hint of caramel flavor, [Colombian Milk] has a good balance of sweetness and cocoa flavor, and [Mild Bitter] is a real bitter chocolate with a fairly dark color and 80% cocoa.


Personally, I liked [Columbia Milk] the best out of these. This assortment pack is easy to use, and you can give a whole box to someone you are always grateful for, or you can distribute one piece to each group member.

Hokkaido Island