
Japanese notation "なまはげのおくりもの"
This confectionary means “present from Namahage” in Akita Prefecture. The mask of Namahage is used as the skin of a monaka, and cookies are poured into it to make a sable. The key point is that rice flour made from Akita rice is used.
I think Akita Komachi, the most famous rice in Akita Prefecture, is used.
It’s surreal and already amusing that Namahage seems to be staring at us with a glare.
It is quite elaborately made, and the Namahage’s expression is very realistic.
Taken with different lighting. I’ve never seen such a scary looking candy before.
The back side is a cookie made of rice flour. There is also a lot of sesame seeds.
I take a bite right away and it is very tasty! It was a little more than I expected.
It was a unique sablefish in the shape of Akita Prefecture’s Namahage.