Shimane Prefecture [Monthly Ranking Top10]

Aggregation period
December 22 to January 21

※The ranking is calculated based on the number of accesses to the Miyageboshi website during a certain period of time. It does not represent the taste or popularity of the confectionery itself.

  • 一口清水羊羹

    Hitokuchi-Shimizu Yokan

    High-quality bite-sized yokan jelly with a sense of history

  • かこい梅


    Quality as expected. Matsue Plum Wagashi

  • きんこんかん


    The name has an interesting sound to it: wavy cookie dough.

  • 源氏巻 (三松堂)


    Perfect design of traditional pastries

  • Yuzu-shigure

    Perfect balance made by a long-established confectionery in Matsue City

  • 出雲銘菓 薄小倉


    We can feel the strength of Matsue, one of Japan's three major confectionery centers.

  • Soba-raku

    "Soba manju" made in the Izumo soba production area

  • Keiran Manju

    Castella manju with high quality eggs

  • 伯耆坊(ほうきぼう)


    It is in the shape of a fan held by a legendary tengu.

  • 栗まる


    Delicate and luxurious chestnut confectionery

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